Our First Week is in the Books!

What an amazing week! We didn't know what to expect, but our first week of classes was incredible. We were so honored that so many of you chose to share your practice, spirit and energy with us. 

This past weekend our 200 hour teacher training group came together and enjoyed their first weekend in the new space. This incredible group of future teachers graduates in June and I can't wait to see them take on the world. Their focus this weekend was on sequencing mentoring, adjusting and the anatomy of the lower body. They used modeling clay on skeletons to learn about the intricate web of muscles that covers our legs and hips. 

Don't forget that we will be closed for classes on April 25th, as North Texas Yoga participates in One Love Dallas. This event raises funds to support women's charities in the local area and internationally. For more information or to register to join us, visit. www.onelovedallas.org